Is there any way to create HTML markup in YUI like:
<div id={DivId}>
<p class={pClass}>
<span class={spanClass}> {Content} </span>
If I understand your question correctly, Y.substitute
might be worth looking at.
If you haven't seen it, I'd recommend watching through the YUI 3 Sugar video at the YUI theater. Jump to 22:27 for more on Y.substitute
I did the same thing.... Here is what I used.
var resultFormatTemplate =
'<div class="result">{first_name}, {last_name}</div>';
function resultFormat(query, results) {
return, function (result) {
var rep = result.raw;
return Y.Lang.sub(resultFormatTemplate, {
first_name : rep['First Name'],
last_name : rep['Last Name']
In the tag I used resultFormatter : resultFormat
to call the function.