use strict;
my @array=('f1','f2','f3');
my $dir ='\tmp';
foreach (@array) {
my $FH = $_;
open ("$FH", ">$dir/${FH}.txt") or die $!;
foreach (@array) {
my $FH = $_;
i got "Can't use string ("开发者_开发知识库f1") as a symbol ref while "strict refs" in use at line 6."
error . What is the isuse ?
First: 2 arg open is bad, 3 arg open is better.
open( .. , ">", "$dir/${FN}.txt")
second, what on earth are you doing with open("$FH" ..
argument 1 to open is supposed to be an actual filehandle of sorts which can be connected to a datastream. passing it a string will not work.
INSANE: open( "Hello world", .... ) # how can we open hello world, its not a file handle
WORKS: open( *FH,.... ) # but don't do this, globs are package-globals and pesky
BEST: open( my $fh, .... ) # and they close themself when $fh goes out of scope!
foreach my $filename ( @ARRAY ){
dir = \tmp
? are you sure? I think you meant /tmp
, \tmp
is something different altogether.
use warnings;
using strict is good, but you should use warnings too.
Sixth: Use names for variables that are explanatory, we know @ is an array @array is not more helpful.
use strict;
use warnings;
my @filenames=('f1','f2','f3');
my @filehandles = ();
my $dir ='/tmp';
foreach my $filename (@filenames) {
open (my $fh,'>', "${dir}/${filename}.txt") or die $!;
push @filehandles, $fh;
# some code here, ie:
foreach my $filehandle ( @filehandles ) {
print {$filehandle} "Hello world!";
# and then were done, cleanup time
foreach my $filehandle ( @filehandles ){
close $filehandle or warn "Closing a filehandle didn't work, $!";
Alternatively, depending on what you were trying to do, this may have been better code:
use strict;
use warnings;
my @filenames=('f1','f2','f3');
my $dir ='/tmp';
foreach my $filename (@filenames) {
open (my $fh,'>', "${dir}/${filename}.txt") or die $!;
print {$fh} "Hello world!";
I don't explicitly close $fh, because its not needed, as soon as $fh goes out of scope ( at the end of the block in this case ) it is closed automatically.
You are using a string "f1" as the first argument to open
which expects a filehandle.
You probably wanted to do:
my @filehandles = (); # Stash filehandles there so as to not lose filenames
foreach (@array) {
my $FH = $_;
open (my $fh, ">", "$dir/${FH}.txt") or die $!;
push @filehandles, $fh;