I have a matrix containing 4320 entries
开发者_如何学Gofor example:
P=[ 26 29 31 33 35 26 29 ..........25]
I want to create 180 matrices and every matrix contains 24 entries,i.e
the 1st matrix contains the 1st 24 entries
the 2nd matrix contains the 2nd 24 entries and so on
I know a simple method but it will take a long time which is:
and it is dificult since I have huge number of entries for
the original matrix P
I'm going to go ahead and assume this is MATLAB-related, in which case you'd use the reshape
Px = reshape(P, 24, []);
will now be a proper matrix, and you can access each of the 180 "matrices" (actually row vectors, you seem to be confusing the two) by simple MATLAB syntax:
P100 = P(:,100);
You can loop through the items in the index, counting up, creating a new matrix every 24 entries. Modular arithmetic might help:
foreach (var currentIndexInLargerMatrix : int = 0 to 4320)
matrixToPutItIn := currentIndexInLargerMatrix div 24;
indexInNewMatrix := currentIndexInLargerMatrix mod 24;
in many languages the modulus (remainder) operator is either "mod" or "%". "div" here denotes integer division. Most languages just use the virgule (slash) "/".
This obviously isn't complete code, but should get you started.
I think You's answer is the best way to approach your problem, where each submatrix is stored as a row or column in a larger matrix and is retrieved by simply indexing into that larger matrix.
However, if you really want/need to create 180 separate variables labeled P1
through P180
, the way to do this has been discussed in other questions, like this one. In your case, you could use the function EVAL like so:
for iMatrix = 1:180 %# Loop 180 times
tempP = P((1:24)+24*(iMatrix-1)); %# Get your submatrix
eval(['P' int2str(iMatrix) ' = tempP;']); %# Create a new variable