I have a foreach that looks like this:
foreach ($blogusers as $bloguser) {
$args = array(
'author' => $bloguser->user_id,
开发者_如何学Go 'showposts' => 1,
'caller_get_posts' => 1
$my_query = new WP_Query($args);
if( $my_query->have_posts() ) {
$user = get_userdata($bloguser->user_id);
userphoto($bloguser->user_id, "<div class='all_authors'><a href='http://blogg.nacka.se/nastasteg/author/".$user->user_login . "'>","</a><ul><li><a href='http://blogg.nacka.se/nastasteg/author/".$user->user_login . "'>" .$user->user_firstname."</a></li><li class='occupation'>".$user->user_lastname."</li></ul></div>", array('width' => 135, 'height' => 135));
#echo "<div class='all_authors'><a href='http://blogg.nacka.se/nastasteg/author/".$user->user_login . "'><img src='http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/" . md5( strtolower( trim( " $user->user_email " ) ) )."?s=135' /></a><ul><li><a href='http://blogg.nacka.se/nastasteg/author/".$user->user_login . "'>" .$user->user_firstname."</a></li><li class='occupation'>".$user->user_lastname."</li></ul></div>";
In every foth div, Would like to add an extra class. How do I do this?
Use the modulus operator. I see @Alex has beaten me to the mark with this, but I offer this code I wrote and tested, so that others can see more clearly the principle:
foreach ($blogusers as $bloguser) {
if($i % 4 === 0) $extraclass= "fourthClass";
$resultHTML .= "<div class=\"standardClass $extraclass\">$bloguser</div>";
echo $resultHTML;
Could be made more compact with the ternary operator, but this is the principle.
Create a variable before your foreach called $i and set it to 0;
Inside you foreach use
$class = ($i%4 === 0) ? 'yourclass' : '';
is now either 'yourclass' or an empty string
Then at the end of your foreach increment $i
with $i++
I would look at creating a local variable before the loop, incrementing on each loop iteration, on significant loop iteration perform actions and reset to 0
Add counter to it perhaps?
$counter = "";
foreach($array AS $variable){
$counter +=1;
// Here you will do your standard stuff you do always
if($counter == 4){ // check for right counter value
$counter = ""; // null the counter again
// HERE you can do stuff that only happens every 4th iteration
// HERE you can carry on with your usual stuff that happens always
Of course there are many different ways to do this, this is in my eyes the simples one.