
Change NSTableView alternate row colors

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-01-21 14:43 出处:网络
I\'m using the \"Alternating Rows\" option in Interface Builder to get alternating row colors on an NSTableView. Is there any way to change the col开发者_如何学运维ors of the alternating rows?If you w

I'm using the "Alternating Rows" option in Interface Builder to get alternating row colors on an NSTableView. Is there any way to change the col开发者_如何学运维ors of the alternating rows?

If you want to use an undocumented way, make a NSColor category and override _blueAlternatingRowColor like this:

@implementation NSColor (ColorChangingFun)

    return [NSColor redColor];


or to change both colors, override controlAlternatingRowBackgroundColors to return an array of colors you want alternated.

@implementation NSColor (ColorChangingFun)

    return [NSArray arrayWithObjects:[NSColor redColor], [NSColor greenColor], nil];


Found a better way to do it here. That method overrides the highlightSelectionInClipRect: method in an NSTableView subclass so you can use any color you want for the alternating rows. It's not as hackish as using an NSColor category, and it only affects table views you choose.

I subclassed NSTableView and implemented drawRow:clipRect: like this...

- (void)drawRow:(NSInteger)row clipRect:(NSRect)clipRect
    NSColor *color = (row % 2) ? [NSColor redColor] : [NSColor whiteColor];
    [color setFill];
    NSRectFill([self rectOfRow:row]);
    [super drawRow:row clipRect:clipRect];

It seems to work, but it's so simple that I'm wondering if I'm missing something.

I wanted a solution that worked just like the regular NSTableView, including support for elastic scrolling and such, so I created an NSTableView subclass that has an NSColor* property called alternateBackgroundColor, and then overrode the -drawBackgroundColorInClipRect: method like so:

- (void) drawBackgroundInClipRect:(NSRect)clipRect {
    if([self alternateBackgroundColor] == nil) {
        // If we didn't set the alternate colour, fall back to the default behaviour
        [super drawBackgroundInClipRect:clipRect];
    } else {
        // Fill in the background colour
        [[self backgroundColor] set];

        // Check if we should be drawing alternating coloured rows
        if([self alternateBackgroundColor] && [self usesAlternatingRowBackgroundColors]) {
            // Set the alternating background colour
            [[self alternateBackgroundColor] set];

            // Go through all of the intersected rows and draw their rects
            NSRect checkRect = [self bounds];
            checkRect.origin.y = clipRect.origin.y;
            checkRect.size.height = clipRect.size.height;
            NSRange rowsToDraw = [self rowsInRect:checkRect];
            NSUInteger curRow = rowsToDraw.location;
            while(curRow < rowsToDraw.location + rowsToDraw.length) {
                if(curRow % 2 != 0) {
                    // This is an alternate row
                    NSRect rowRect = [self rectOfRow:curRow];
                    rowRect.origin.x = clipRect.origin.x;
                    rowRect.size.width = clipRect.size.width;


            // Figure out the height of "off the table" rows
            CGFloat rowHeight = [self rowHeight];
            if( ([self gridStyleMask] & NSTableViewSolidHorizontalGridLineMask) == NSTableViewSolidHorizontalGridLineMask
               || ([self gridStyleMask] & NSTableViewDashedHorizontalGridLineMask) == NSTableViewDashedHorizontalGridLineMask) {
                rowHeight += 2.0f; // Compensate for a grid

            // Draw fake rows below the table's last row
            CGFloat virtualRowOrigin = 0.0f;
            NSInteger virtualRowNumber = [self numberOfRows];
            if([self numberOfRows] > 0) {
                NSRect finalRect = [self rectOfRow:[self numberOfRows]-1];
                virtualRowOrigin = finalRect.origin.y + finalRect.size.height;
            while(virtualRowOrigin < clipRect.origin.y + clipRect.size.height) {
                if(virtualRowNumber % 2 != 0) {
                    // This is an alternate row
                    NSRect virtualRowRect = NSMakeRect(clipRect.origin.x,virtualRowOrigin,clipRect.size.width,rowHeight);

                virtualRowOrigin += rowHeight;

            // Draw fake rows above the table's first row
            virtualRowOrigin = -1 * rowHeight;
            virtualRowNumber = -1;
            while(virtualRowOrigin + rowHeight > clipRect.origin.y) {
                if(abs(virtualRowNumber) % 2 != 0) {
                    // This is an alternate row
                    NSRect virtualRowRect = NSMakeRect(clipRect.origin.x,virtualRowOrigin,clipRect.size.width,rowHeight);

                virtualRowOrigin -= rowHeight;

I'm not sure how recently this was added, or if it is as flexible as you need it to be, but I noticed that you can specify "Alternating" rows in Interface Builder in Xcode 4.6 (and possibly earlier).

  1. Open your nib in Xcode and select your NSTableView or NSOutlineView
  2. Show the Attributes Inspector in the Utilities Pane (⎇⌘4)
  3. Notice the Highlight Alternating Rows checkbox.

Change NSTableView alternate row colors

There is no settable property for this, however you can respond to the delegate method -tableView:willDisplayCell:forTableColumn:row: and set the cell's background color based on the evenness of the row number.

Nate Thorn's answer worked perfectly for me.

Here it is, refactored for Swift:

import Foundation
import Cocoa
import AppKit

public class SubclassedTableView : NSTableView {

    private func
    alternateBackgroundColor() -> NSColor? {
        return NSColor.redColor() // Return any color you like

    public override func
    drawBackgroundInClipRect(clipRect: NSRect) {

        if alternateBackgroundColor() == nil {
            // If we didn't set the alternate colour, fall back to the default behaviour
        } else {
            // Fill in the background colour

            // Check if we should be drawing alternating coloured rows
            if usesAlternatingRowBackgroundColors {
                // Set the alternating background colour

                // Go through all of the intersected rows and draw their rects
                var checkRect = bounds
                checkRect.origin.y = clipRect.origin.y
                checkRect.size.height = clipRect.size.height
                let rowsToDraw = rowsInRect(checkRect)
                var curRow = rowsToDraw.location
                repeat {
                    if curRow % 2 != 0 {
                        // This is an alternate row
                        var rowRect = rectOfRow(curRow)
                        rowRect.origin.x = clipRect.origin.x
                        rowRect.size.width = clipRect.size.width

                } while curRow < rowsToDraw.location + rowsToDraw.length

                // Figure out the height of "off the table" rows
                var thisRowHeight = rowHeight
                if gridStyleMask.contains(NSTableViewGridLineStyle.SolidHorizontalGridLineMask)
                   || gridStyleMask.contains(NSTableViewGridLineStyle.DashedHorizontalGridLineMask) {
                    thisRowHeight += 2.0 // Compensate for a grid

                // Draw fake rows below the table's last row
                var virtualRowOrigin = 0.0 as CGFloat
                var virtualRowNumber = numberOfRows
                if numberOfRows > 0 {
                    let finalRect = rectOfRow(numberOfRows-1)
                    virtualRowOrigin = finalRect.origin.y + finalRect.size.height
                repeat {
                    if virtualRowNumber % 2 != 0 {
                        // This is an alternate row
                        let virtualRowRect = NSRect(x: clipRect.origin.x, y: virtualRowOrigin, width: clipRect.size.width, height: thisRowHeight)

                    virtualRowOrigin += thisRowHeight
                } while virtualRowOrigin < clipRect.origin.y + clipRect.size.height

                // Draw fake rows above the table's first row
                virtualRowOrigin = -1 * thisRowHeight
                virtualRowNumber = -1
                repeat {
                    if abs(virtualRowNumber) % 2 != 0 {
                        // This is an alternate row
                        let virtualRowRect = NSRect(x: clipRect.origin.x, y: virtualRowOrigin, width: clipRect.size.width, height: thisRowHeight)

                    virtualRowOrigin -= thisRowHeight
                } while virtualRowOrigin + thisRowHeight > clipRect.origin.y

Swift 4+ version of AlternateRealist's answer:

public class AlternateBgColorTableView: NSTableView {
    var alternateBackgroundColor: NSColor? = .red

    override public func drawBackground(inClipRect clipRect: NSRect) {
        // If we didn't set the alternate color, fall back to the default behavior
        guard let alternateBackgroundColor = alternateBackgroundColor else {
            super.drawBackground(inClipRect: clipRect)


        // Fill in the background color

        // Check if we should be drawing alternating colored rows
        if usesAlternatingRowBackgroundColors {
            // Set the alternating background color

            // Go through all of the intersected rows and draw their rects
            var checkRect = bounds
            checkRect.origin.y = clipRect.origin.y
            checkRect.size.height = clipRect.height
            let rowsToDraw = rows(in: checkRect)
            var currentRow = rowsToDraw.location

            repeat {
                if currentRow % 2 != 0 {
                    // This is an alternate row
                    var rowRect = rect(ofRow: currentRow)
                    rowRect.origin.x = clipRect.origin.x
                    rowRect.size.width = clipRect.width

                currentRow += 1
            } while currentRow < rowsToDraw.location + rowsToDraw.length

            // Figure out the height of "off the table" rows
            var thisRowHeight = rowHeight

            if gridStyleMask.contains(.solidHorizontalGridLineMask) || gridStyleMask.contains(.dashedHorizontalGridLineMask) {
                thisRowHeight += 2 // Compensate for a grid

            // Draw fake rows below the table's last row
            var virtualRowOrigin: CGFloat = 0
            var virtualRowNumber = numberOfRows

            if numberOfRows > 0 {
                let finalRect = rect(ofRow: numberOfRows - 1)
                virtualRowOrigin = finalRect.origin.y + finalRect.height

            repeat {
                if virtualRowNumber % 2 != 0 {
                    // This is an alternate row
                    let virtualRowRect = NSRect(x: clipRect.origin.x, y: virtualRowOrigin, width: clipRect.width, height: thisRowHeight)

                virtualRowNumber += 1
                virtualRowOrigin += thisRowHeight
            } while virtualRowOrigin < clipRect.origin.y + clipRect.size.height

            // Draw fake rows above the table's first row
            virtualRowOrigin = -1 * thisRowHeight
            virtualRowNumber = -1

            repeat {
                if abs(virtualRowNumber) % 2 != 0 {
                    // This is an alternate row
                    let virtualRowRect = NSRect(x: clipRect.origin.x, y: virtualRowOrigin, width: clipRect.width, height: thisRowHeight)

                virtualRowNumber -= 1
                virtualRowOrigin -= thisRowHeight
            } while virtualRowOrigin + thisRowHeight > clipRect.origin.y

If you wish to set a custom color paired with the data in each row, I found this way of doing so, thanks to the posts here above, and this solution is also working to implement a custom alternate row color ( except for the empty rows ) :

create a subclass of NSTableView :


   @protocol ColoredRowTableViewDelegate <NSTableViewDelegate>
   -(NSColor *)colorForRow:(NSInteger)row;
   @interface ColoredRowTableView : NSTableView

in ColoredRowTableView.m

- (void)drawRow:(NSInteger)row clipRect:(NSRect)clipRect
    if (row == [self selectedRow])
        [super drawRow:row clipRect:clipRect];
    NSColor *color = [(id<ColoredRowTableViewDelegate>)[self delegate] colorForRow:row];
    [color setFill];
    NSRectFill([self rectOfRow:row]);
    [super drawRow:row clipRect:clipRect];

then in your table view delegate :

#import "ColoredRowTableView.h"
@interface MyTableViewDelegate : NSViewController <ColoredRowTableViewDelegate>
// instead of <NSTableViewDelegate>

implement the colorForRow: method in your delegate. If the goal is only to provide alternate row it can return a color based on the row number, if it is even or odd. Also don't forget to change the class of your table view to ColoredRowTableView in interface builder



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