The prototype must be:
I'm able to write the same using two arguments, (list and index), but am not able to even think how it can be po开发者_运维技巧ssible using only the list argument.
The following must hold:
- only 1 argument (the list).
- no external libraries.
- function should be recursive (no 'let' inside the function)
I have a solution that cheats slightly : I return the position of the smallest element, but not only. The value of the smallest element is also returned.
let rec min_pos = function
| [] -> invalid_arg "min_pos"
| [x] -> (0, x)
| hd::tl ->
let p, v = min_pos tl in
if hd < v then (0, hd) else (p + 1, v)
(As Pascal Cuoq noticed, there is still one let p, v = .. in ..
remaining; it can be replaced by match .. with p, v -> ..
. See comments).
Another solution that relax your second constraint (no external library) :
let rec min_pos = function
| [] -> invalid_arg "min_pos"
| [x] -> 0
| hd::tl ->
let p = min_pos tl in
if hd < List.nth tl p then 0 else p + 1
It's inefficient but I don't think you can do much better without passing more information.
I didn't understand this was a homework. Is there a policy against giving complete solution to homework questions ?
Anyway, in this case I suppose that the list of restriction you gave is not, as I supposed, a creativity-forcing constraint, and I suppose that you can break them if it gives better solutions.
I therefore propose, using local let
let min_pos li =
let rec min_pos = function
| [] -> invalid_arg "min_pos"
| [x] -> (0, x)
| hd::tl ->
let p, v = min_pos tl in
if hd < v then (0, hd) else (p + 1, v)
in fst (min_pos li)
And a tail-recursive version :
let min_pos li =
let rec min_pos mini mpos cur_pos = function
| [] -> mpos
| hd::tl ->
if hd < mini
then min_pos hd cur_pos (cur_pos + 1) tl
else min_pos mini mpos (cur_pos + 1) tl
in match li with
| [] -> invalid_arg "min_pos"
| hd::tl -> min_pos hd 0 1 tl