I want to get the count of occurrence of a substring within a string.
My string is "hello hello hello"
. I want to get the number of times "hello hello"
occurs in it, which in the above case is 2.
Depending on either you want to count the number of occurrence of hello
(which is 3 in your example) or hello hello
(wich is 2), you can do:
use 5.10.1;
use warnings;
use strict;
my $str = q/hello hello hello/;
my $count1 =()= $str =~ /(?=\bhello hello\b)/g;
say $count1; # gives 2
my $count2 =()= $str =~ /\bhello\b/g;
say $count2; # gives 3
(?=hello hello)
Using a lookahead lets you find overlapping results. For whole word only, you may try:
\b(?=hello hello\b)
Example: http://rubular.com/r/om1xn1FmBI the blue positions mark a match
This is what you are looking for actually, Counting the occurrences of a substring - the fastest way.
Assuming you meant "hello" and not "hello hello" , you can just split on hello. No need to construct extra regex
$string="hello hello blah hello blah helloworld hello blah blah hello";
@s = split "hello", $string, -1;
print scalar @s - 1 ."\n"; #get size of array
use strict;
use warning;
my $str = "hello hello hello bla bla hello bla hello";
my $count = grep /hello/ , split /\s+/,$str ;
print"$count"; #output 5