Via the Facebook javascript API, you can subscribe to the 'event.create' event to listen for when users "Like" something on a pag开发者_开发知识库e via the Like Plugin. Is it possible to respond to the same user un-liking it as well? I don't see any events documented, wondering if this is a hidden feature.
You can now subscribe to the “edge.remove" event to know when a user unlikes a page. For example:
FB.Event.subscribe('edge.remove', function(href, widget) {
alert('You just unliked '+href);
Announcement: documented at
Recently added:
The javascript sdk does not have an event for this. I have run into this problem before. The only way to check if a user has unliked an item is to do a Graph or Rest query to determine if they currently like the item.
Unfortunately "edge.remove" won't get triggered when you dislike a facebook-page via "liked"-button (on the top right) and click on "unlike". -.-
This event is very useful to create a vote system. The js-script below does an ajax-call to a PHP-page that updates a database.
var _paq = _paq || [];
FB.Event.subscribe('edge.create', function(response) {
var page = $("#pageid").val();
$.post("ajax_vote.php", { page: page },
function(data) {
//alert("voted : " + data);
FB.Event.subscribe('edge.remove', function(response) {
var page = $("#pageid").val();
$.post("ajax_unvote.php", { page: page },
function(data) {
//alert("unvoted : " + data);