I have a string like this being returned from my backend:
I have a large array locally and want to display only those items not in this list, so I was thinking of exploding this string into an array but how can I search efficiently? As far as I know there are no hashmaps in JS so how does one do this? I just need to check for key existence.
All Javascript objects are also hash tables that can store string or numeric keys:
var x = {};
x["foo"] = 1;
if("foo" in x) { alert("hello!"); }
if("bar" in x) { alert("should never see this"); }
"1,2,3,4,5,6".split(",").some(function(letter) {
return letter === '2'
Warning: Might not work in IE (or other crappy browser)
Cross browser version (that relies on native code for performance):
var arr = "1,2,3,4,5,6".split(",");
arr.some(function(letter) {
return letter === '2'
for(var i = 0 ; i < arr.length ; i++ )
if(arr[i] === '2') return true;