I am on Drupal6, and even with the WYSIWYG disabled, something is putting in white space where I don't expect it.
For example if I enter:
<p>HI there (you)</p>
All is good.
If I enter:
<p>HI there (<strong>you</strong>)</p>
I get a space between the opening parentheses and "you":
Hi there ( you)
When I save and go back in to the body textarea I see:
<p>HI there (
<strong>you</strong>)</p>So something is putting a line break in the plain text, creating that space. It is not a <br> tag, just a \n in the H开发者_开发知识库TML. Any idea how to solve this?
Check your input filters and your WYSIWYG Cleanup & Output settings. Here's what works for me:
• HTML Corrector
• URL Filter
Cleanup & Output Settings
• Verify HTML
• Preformatted
• Convert <font>
tags to styles
I'm guessing for some reason it's still applying the cleanup & output settings associated with the wysiwyg even if you have it visually disabled.
Turns out, this was not ckeditor or filters. I am tidying the output markup using tidy, and forgot I was doing it. The output-xml and ouput-html options, which ASFAIK just control pretty printing, were adding spaces. I set those to false, and the problem went away.