CSS & html
id0 is the class for the div that's got background as a sprite image and inside of this div..there's a list of links (in repeater)..when the user hovers over links..the background image of div displays diff parts of sprite image accordingly
Now I want that the classes id1 to id5 be set as the classes of the repeater's list...now how do I go abut it?
like the list of links inside of repeater is coming from the DB..how do I create div tags inside of this repeater
and how do I set the class for each of the 5 divs that will be created and set these classes on them ?
like earlier I had simple markup but now I have to generate that list of links using a repeater..so how do I apply the CSS now ??
Please give some ideas..thnx
[EDIT] ok tried this.. added div tag in repeater after label and in code behind :- rpt1.FindControl("myDiv").Controls.Add(class= ??) //what to type here use for loop or what ? [edit] this doesnt work..whats wrong ?**
for(int i=1;i<6;i++)
The above's giving the following error:-
The best overloaded method match for 'S开发者_开发知识库ystem.Web.UI.ControlCollection.Add(System.Web.UI.Control)' has some invalid arguments
Now how do I set classes for the divs?
pch..made dilly mistake..made changes ..
for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++)
string divClass = "id";
rpt1.FindControl("myDiv").Controls.Add("class=id" + i);
still the same error..
tried the following..doesnt work
rpt1.FindControl("myDiv").Attributes.Add("class","id" +i);
I tried the following now..
rpt1.FindControl("myDiv").Attributes["class"] = "id" + i;
it says "Cannot apply indexing with [] to an expression of type 'method group'" ???
The ItemDataBinding way
In order to get hold of an element inside the repeater's ItemTemplate you have to declare it runat="Server" and set an id for it (id isn't really neccessary, but simplifies things). If you do that with your div you can get it inside your ItemDataBound event and set the class.
void Repeater_ItemDataBound(Object Sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e) {
if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item
|| e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem)
Attributes["class"] = "id" + index++;
You need to declare the index variable and increment it as you set each class.
Alternative way
An even simpler and cleaner way IMHO is to set the class directly in the View using data binding
<asp:Repeater ID="rpt" runat="server">
<ItemTemplate><div class="<%# GetDivClass() %>">a div</div></ItemTemplate>
and in the code behind declare the method for getting the data
private int index = 1;
protected string GetDivClass()
return "div" + index++;
If you create the div
as an HTML control, then set the class this way:
HtmlControl div = new HtmlGenericControl("div");
div.Attributes.Add("class", "myClassName");
Otherwise if you have created it as a server control (by including the runat="server"
attribute) then you can search for it within you control heirarchy and add the attribute.
Try adding and ID and runat="server" to your DIV tags. This will make each DIV a control:
<li><a href=# class="mysprite id1">Text1<div id="myDiv" runat="server"> </div></a><br /></li>
That way, the line of code you are using to dynamically add the class (below) should work:
rpt1.FindControl("myDiv").Attributes.Add("class","id" +i);
I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to achieve exactly, but .Controls.Add("classblah") won't work.
That's intended for when you wish to put a control within that control eg.
HyperLink myHyperLinkControl;
which would render approximately
<div id="myDiv">
<a href="#">my hyperlink</a>
You want to grab the li and manipulate it's attributes.
var li = nav.FindControl("name") as HtmlGenericControl;
nav.attributes["class"] = "mysprite id" + Container.DataItemIndex
This is the best
<asp:Repeater ID="rptDocuments" runat="server">
<div class='element<%# Container.ItemIndex%>'/>