I'm trying to get fastercsv setup so that rather than parsing each row, it will place each column into an multi array.
CSV import file:
id, first name, last name, age
1, joe, smith, 11
2, jane, doe, 14
Save to array named people:
people[0][0] would equal id
people[2][1] would equal jane
This is what I currently have:
url = 'http://url.com/file.csv'
open(url开发者_如何学Python) do |f|
f.each_line do |line|
FasterCSV.parse(line) do |row|
Any help is appreciated.
Have you read the FasterCSV documentation?
If you did, you would know that the easiest way to do what you want is:
people = FasterCSV.read('http://url.com/file.csv')
Thanks EmFi, with your help I was able to come up with a solution.
This takes a remote url csv file and loads it into a multi-dimensional array, based on columns.
require 'rio'
require 'fastercsv'
url = 'http://remoteurl.com/file.csv'
people = FasterCSV.parse(rio(url).read)
You can use CsvMapper on top of FasterCSV It s a life saver