I been trying to upload File throught WCF using ExtJS here a snippted of my code
browseFile = new Ext.ux.form.FileUploadField({
id: 'form-file',
name: 'BrowseFile',
fieldLabel: 'Browse',
allowBlank: false,
maxLength: 8000,
emptyText: ''
added to the form and use the fileupload:true property too but havent been able to pass the byte stream into the WCF Service Layer
url: 'svc/' + entityService + '/' + (isNewRecord ? 'Create' : '开发者_Go百科Update'),
waitMsg: 'Please wait...',
waitTitle: 'Submiting data',
fileData: Ext.getDom('form-file').getValue()
Can you elaborate, how do you know that stream is not being passed to service? Is the error on client side or have you enabled WCF Message Logging and/or Tracing ? If not, try those and post back any warnings and/or errors you see in diagnostics...