I develope on Windows at home and send my changes to the customer. Customer do not want to have any SCM installed, so I need to send files I've changed from last iteration. Currently I'm using Subversion with some kind of the automation by self-written batch, that is a mix of windows and GNU/unix utilities. The script looks into the given revisions, list what files are changed, removes duplication and get at the end a file of list.
@echo off
if (%3) == () goto usage
set PUSHNAME=%3-%1
svn log -v -q -r %2 %3 | sed "s/^[ ^t]*[AM] \/[[:alnum:]_]*\/[[:alnum:]_]*\/\(.*\.[[:alnum:]_]*\)/tar --append --file=%PUSHNAME%.tar \1/" | sed "s/ (.*//g" | sort | uniq | grep -v "config.xml" >> %PUSHNAME%.bat
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto error
echo bzip2 %PUSHNAME%.tar>> %PUSHNAME%.bat
echo :: SVN REVISIONS :: %2>> %PUSHNAME%.bat
echo ... %PUSHNAME%.bat generated.
goto done
echo USAGE: %~nx0 push-file-name from[:to]-revision relative-or-absolute-path
echo See svn log -v -q -r [REV] to view repository log.
goto done
echo ERROR! Check (if exists) output file %PUSHNAME%.bat
goto done
The batch is not perfect but for me is OK. Now i decide to move to the Git. I've converted the subversion repository to the Git repo. But show stopper to me I cannot find the replace command for svn -v -q -r log in Git manual :-( I'm sure it should be, but after a days of searching I'd like to ask about help more experienced Git-Gurus.
Thank in advance for开发者_运维技巧 your minutes spent for my problem,
I guess you're trying to get a list of files changed since some commit:
git diff-index <commit> --name-only
Will list all files changed since <commit> and only their names.
will save you trouble of sed'ing the name of files.
Using --name-status
instead gets you more familiar looking
A debian/control
M debian/rules
git show HEAD HEAD^
This will show the last two commits of the current branch. For more options, see git show --help