I'm trying to read from file "A" one line at a time, make changes to that line, and write it back out to file "B". Append开发者_如何学运维ing File "B" as I go. I've found plenty of info on the web but none of it matches what I'm looking for.
Any ideas on how to implement this?
I threw this together real quick, but it should be pretty easy to read. You open your file to read, and your file to write to, and iterate through it.
Dim fileIn As Integer
Dim fileOut As Integer
Dim sLine As String
fileIn = FreeFile
Open "C:\Temp\input.txt" For Input As fileIn
fileOut = FreeFile
Open "C:\Temp\output.txt" For Append As fileOut
Do While Not EOF(fileIn)
Line Input #fileIn, sLine
sLine = sLine & " has been changed" ' This is where you'd make your changes
Print #fileOut, sLine
Close fileIn
Close fileOut