I have a code , but I do not how can I find copy file progress . what should I do to recive file copy progress ?
public sealed class FileRoutines
public static void CopyFile(FileInfo source, FileInfo destination)
CopyFile(source, destination, CopyFileOptions.None);
public static void CopyFile(FileInfo source, FileInfo destination,
CopyFileOptions options)
CopyFile(source, destination, options, null);
public static void CopyFile(FileInfo source, FileInfo destination,
CopyFileOptions options, CopyFileCallback callback)
CopyFile(source, destination, options, callback, null);
public static void CopyFile(FileInfo source, FileInfo destination,
CopyFileOptions options, CopyFileCallback callback, object state)
if (source == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("source");
if (destination == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("destination");
if ((options & ~CopyFileOptions.All) != 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("options");
new FileIOPermission(
FileIOPermissionAccess.Read, source.FullName).Demand();
new FileIOPermission(
FileIOPermissionAccess.Write, destination.FullName).Demand();
CopyProgressRoutine cpr = callback == null ?
null : new CopyProgressRoutine(new CopyProgressData(
source, destination, callback, state).CallbackHandler);
bool cancel = false;
if (!CopyFileEx(source.FullName, destination.FullName, cpr,
IntPtr.Zero, ref cancel, (int)options))
throw new IOException(new Win32Exception().Message);
private class CopyProgressData
private FileInfo _source = null;
private FileInfo _destination = null;
private CopyFileCallback _callback = null;
private object _state = null;
public CopyProgressData(FileInfo source, FileInfo destination,
CopyFileCallback callback, object state)
_source = source;
_destination = destination;
_callback = callback;
_state = state;
public int CallbackHandler(
long totalFileSize, long totalBytesTransferred,
long streamSize, long streamBytesTransferred,
int streamNumber, int callbackReason,
IntPtr sourceFile, IntPtr destinationFile, IntPtr data)
return (int)_callback(_source, _destination, _state,
totalFileSize, totalBytesTransferred);
private delegate int CopyProgressRoutine(
long totalFileSize, long TotalBytesTransferred, long streamSize,
long streamBytesTransferred, int streamNumber, int callbackReason,
IntPtr sourceFile, IntPtr destinationFile, IntPtr开发者_JAVA技巧 data);
[DllImport("Kernel32.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Auto, SetLastError=true)]
private static extern bool CopyFileEx(
string lpExistingFileName, string lpNewFileName,
CopyProgressRoutine lpProgressRoutine,
IntPtr lpData, ref bool pbCancel, int dwCopyFlags);
public delegate CopyFileCallbackAction CopyFileCallback(
FileInfo source, FileInfo destination, object state,
long totalFileSize, long totalBytesTransferred);
public enum CopyFileCallbackAction
Continue = 0,
Cancel = 1,
Stop = 2,
Quiet = 3
public enum CopyFileOptions
None = 0x0,
FailIfDestinationExists = 0x1,
Restartable = 0x2,
AllowDecryptedDestination = 0x8,
All = FailIfDestinationExists | Restartable | AllowDecryptedDestination
CopyFileCallbackAction callback(
FileInfo source, FileInfo destination, object state,
long totalFileSize, long totalBytesTransferred)
Console.WriteLine("Copied so far {0}%",
totalBytesTransferred * 100 / totalFileSize);
FileRoutines.CopyFile(src, dest, options, callback)