I am using Joomla 1.5 for my site and want to make the RSS Feed Module (mod_feed) display alternating rows in a different color, hoping somebody here can help out! Here is the main code for the module layout (I removed the top
<div style="direction: <?php echo $rssrtl ? 'rtl' :'ltr'; ?>; text-align: <?php echo $rssrtl ? 'right' :'left'; ?> ! important">
if( $feed != false )
//image handling
$iUrl = isset($feed->image->url) ? $feed->image->url : null;
$iTitle = isset($feed->image->title) ? $feed->image->title : null;
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="moduletable<?php echo $params->get('moduleclass_sfx'); ?>">
// feed description
if (!is_null( $feed->title ) && $params->get('rsstitle', 1)) {
<a href="<?php echo str_replace( '&', '&', $feed->link ); ?>" target="_blank">
<?php echo $feed->title; ?></a>
// feed description
if ($params->get('rssdesc', 1)) {
<td><?php echo $feed->description; ?></td>
// feed image
if ($params->get('rssimage', 1) && $iUrl) {
<td><img src="<?php echo开发者_运维百科 $iUrl; ?>" alt="<?php echo @$iTitle; ?>"/></td>
$actualItems = count( $feed->items );
$setItems = $params->get('rssitems', 5);
if ($setItems > $actualItems) {
$totalItems = $actualItems;
} else {
$totalItems = $setItems;
<ul class="newsfeed <?php echo $params->get( 'moduleclass_sfx'); ?>" >
$words = $params->def('word_count', 0);
for ($j = 0; $j < $totalItems; $j ++)
$currItem = & $feed->items[$j];
// item title
if ( !is_null( $currItem->get_link() ) ) {
<a href="<?php echo $currItem->get_link(); ?>" target="_blank">
<?php echo $currItem->get_title(); ?></a>
// item description
if ($params->get('rssitemdesc', 1))
// item description
$text = $currItem->get_description();
$text = str_replace(''', "'", $text);
// word limit check
if ($words)
$texts = explode(' ', $text);
$count = count($texts);
if ($count > $words)
$text = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < $words; $i ++) {
$text .= ' '.$texts[$i];
$text .= '...';
<div style="text-align: <?php echo $params->get('rssrtl', 0) ? 'right': 'left'; ?> ! important" class="newsfeed_item<?php echo $params->get( 'moduleclass_sfx'); ?>" >
<?php echo $text; ?>
<?php } ?>
You can use the modulus operator to determine if your loop variable ($j) is currently odd or even, and then apply a CSS class as appropriate. In one line, you could change your opening li tag to something like this:
<li class="<? ($j % 2) ? echo "even" : echo "odd"; ?>">
CSS could be applied like this:
.newsfeed li.even{ background: #fff; }
.newsfeed li.odd{ background: #efefef; }
The Modulo Operator for Alternating Rows - Snook.ca