
PLSql return values

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-01-19 20:16 出处:网络
Here I go again with some PLSql.. I want to know, if there\'s any way I can use the following function like a select without having to turn it into a function or procedure (so I can see the code from

Here I go again with some PLSql..

I want to know, if there's any way I can use the following function like a select without having to turn it into a function or procedure (so I can see the code from the script where it is contained).

The code would be like:

    outpt  VARCHAR2(1000) := ''; 
    flow_rI  VARCHAR2(50);开发者_JAVA百科 
    CURSOR flow_r IS
      select flow_run_id
        from table
        where CREATED_DATE < sysdate - 32
        and rownum < 10
        order by 1 desc;
    OPEN flow_r;
        FETCH flow_r INTO flow_rI; 
        EXIT WHEN flow_r%notfound; 
            outpt := outpt ||  ',' || flow_rI;
            WHEN no_data_found THEN 
    outpt := '';
    CLOSE flow_r;

The idea is simple, I just want to get a series of codes from my table but having the results formatted like "1234,2434,424,45,767,43" sort of thing, rather than the table result from a query. It will be used later in the code for various purposes including another queries where I could simply do an in ([variable with that string]).

Thing is that using the dbms_output.Put_line(outpt);, I can't access it from my application layer and seems that in plsql I cannot use the return without turning it into a function.

Would anyone have an idea? It doesn't need to be a PlSql like that as long as I can have the whole code in the script.



Why not use just sql:

   SELECT MAX(ltrim(sys_connect_by_path(flow_run_id, ','), ','))
    select flow_run_id, rownum rn
    from table
    where CREATED_DATE < sysdate - 32
    and rownum < 10
    order by 1 desc
   START WITH rn = 1
   CONNECT BY PRIOR rn = rn - 1

if you are on Oralce 11 r2 you can use LISTAGG to do exactly this http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E14072_01/server.112/e10592/functions087.htm

but this site has how you can do it an any version (but you need to be >=9i to do it in pure SQL with 11r2 being ideal): http://www.oracle-base.com/articles/misc/StringAggregationTechniques.php (specifically look at ROW_NUMBER() and SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH functions in Oracle 9i for a pure sql )

Another option would be to define some input/output variables and instead of return assign your result value to an output variable.

You can use simple method WM_CONCAT as a solution.

-- It will show the output in comma separated form
-- you can change the delimiter as well if needed
-- 1234,2434,424,45,767,43
SELECT WM_CONCAT (flow_run_id)
FROM   table_name
WHERE  created_date < SYSDATE - 32
       AND ROWNUM < 10;


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