I'm writing a program that displays products and the s开发者_运维技巧tores at which they can be located.
So far, I've been able to write an SQL query that displays data as follows:
Product Availability
Milk Store1
Candy Store1
Eggs Store1
Milk Store2
Eggs Store2
Candy Store3
Eggs Store3
Is there any SQL query I can use to have the products grouped on the Product column and the stores at which they can be located expanded into 3 columns as illustrated below?
Product Store1 Store2 Store3
Milk Yes Yes No
Candy Yes No Yes
Eggs Yes Yes Yes
MAX(CASE WHEN Availability='Store1' THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END) AS Store1,
MAX(CASE WHEN Availability='Store2' THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END) AS Store2,
MAX(CASE WHEN Availability='Store3' THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END) AS Store3
FROM YourTable
GROUP BY Product
A very common question. The word you need to know is pivot. Search StackOverflow for "pivot", or maybe "cross tab" to find a lot of discussions and examples.
Most RDBMs support pivot nowadays. It would help a lot if you specified which database you're using. Some examples: MSSQL, postgres (the crosstab function) and so on.
Presuming that you don't know the column names before running the query, this blog gives a good solution (but watch out for injection attacks).