I want to create a Link that, if you click on it, calls a simulates a Key combination like CT开发者_运维问答RL
thank you
You may want to look here for a similar effect: jQuery: How to catch keydown + mouse click event?
However, if you are meaning that a user is to press:
, /
, and click
at the same time, that may be more difficult. You also should consider if there is a simpler key combination for you to choose for the user's sake.
I think I may have misunderstood what you are looking for, can you clean up the wording of your question?
I now think that you are meaning to simulate the keypress when a user clicks the link. If you are intending to use this to change the "zoom" or the text size on the page (ie: larger / smaller buttons), you should consider using em for text-sizes and then changing the top level font-size with css on the click.
This would allow you to provide the same functionality, but isn't a hackish way to get there.
Edit 2:
Here's what you're looking for: Simulate Keypress With jQuery