I'm using the following registry search in WiX
<RegistrySearch Id="VISUALSTUDIODIRCMD" Type="raw" Root="HKLM"
Key="Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\1开发者_如何学JAVA0.0" Name="InstallDir" Win64="yes" />
Unfortunately, the path resolves to C:\
instead of the required path. Can someone help me understand why? (The registry path exists - I checked.)
What happens if you remove the Win64 attribute? I have been using the following without any problems:
<Property Id="VSINSTALLDIR" Secure="yes">
<RegistrySearch Id="VSInstallRegistry" Root="HKLM" Key="Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0" Name="InstallDir" Type="directory" />
I'm not sure why the registry search doesn't work in your case. But have you tried referencing the standard VS properties provided by WiX instead?
Starting from WiX v3.5 VSExtension offers a number of properties containing various info about VS 2010. For instance, VS2010_ROOT_FOLDER contains full path to the Visual Studio 2010 root installation directory.