I want to import Magento products from my csv file, but when I import this csv file I get an error like this ( Skip import row, required field "sku" not defined) However, I had this field defined 开发者_如何学运维in my csv file.
If any one has any idea about that then please advise me. Which method should I follow to import my csv products to Magento
Thanks for help in advance
I find this solution its very simple:
just go to system->import/export and then u export all product by csv
now enter all other fields or attribute data in csv which u required.
<?php set_time_limit(0); define('MAGENTO_MAGE_LOCATION','/your site name path/app/Mage.php'); error_reporting(E_ALL); $handle = fopen("your csv name path.csv", "r"); $count=0; while (($data = fgetcsv($handle)) !== FALSE) { $count++; if($data[0] != 'store') { require_once MAGENTO_MAGE_LOCATION; Mage::app()->setCurrentStore(Mage_Core_Model_App::ADMIN_STORE_ID); $product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product'); $product->setSku($data[5]); $product->setName($data[7]); . . . try { $product->save(); echo '<br> hi product save successfully in magento uniqe mobile store'; } catch (Exception $ex) { echo 'Handle the error'; } }// end of if statment store }// end of while loop fclose($handle); ?>
use this code and set all products but all fields set acourding to ur CSV file. then run this code . its working i test this code. its my own creation