I'm reading the docs on the UIBinder
of GWT and the first code snippet made me confused:
public class HelloWorld extends UIObject { // Could extend Widget instead
interface MyUiBinder extends UiBinder<DivElement, HelloWorld> {}
private static MyUiBinder uiBinder = GWT.create(MyUiBinder.class);
@UiField SpanElement nameSpan;
public HelloWorld() {
// createAndBindUi initializes this.nameSpan
On the second line an interface is created locally which extends the UiBinder
interface. However, on the third line an instance of this interface is created using开发者_开发技巧 GWT.create()
How is this possible? There's nowhere a class that implements MyUiBinder
, so it can't be instantiated, right?
is treated specially by the GWT Java compiler at compile time. The GWT
class is the place where Google puts the low-level "magic" that makes GWT work.
More details under this question.
Here is a rather old answer (old in SO terms ;) ) that covers the same topic.
As far as I understand: it does not work magically but with the little help of a generator that knows how to create an instance for a given interface (some MyUIBinderGenerator in your example). And that generator has to be implemented and published in some gwt.xml file.