I have a plugin which registers a post type, taxonomy and handles some business logic.
I went ahead and made my perfectly working plugin OO based and now it only works some of the time.
Its set-up like the following:
class Fruit {
public function __construct() {
add_action('init', array(&$this, 'init'));
public function init() {
public function the_apple() {
return print $apple = 'my apple';
$fruit = new Fruit();
Then in taxonomy.php, withing the loop the following works:
But once I use get_template_part with loop.php, this no longer works
I get the following notice:
Notice: Undefined variable the_apple();
My fix was to use:
global $fruit;
and now it works all the time, just fyi about globals they get a bad rep. and there's namespacing issues, along with dumping everything into globals vs. using a registry.
In production i would never use the name $fruit, instead i would call it,
global $skylar_fruit;