I am building a custom listview used to list contacts from the contact cursor into a list with two text view for the phone number and name of the contact as well as a place for the images. I am getting a nullpoint error when i try to setText for my TextView Even though i checked the variable to see if they contained a string I have no ideas whats wrong with it.
public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
View rowView=convertView;
ViewCache viewCache=null;
if (rowView==null) {
LayoutInflater inflater=(LayoutInflater)_context.getSystemService(
rowView=inflater.inflate(R.layout.row, null);
viewCache = new ViewCache(rowView);
else {
int id = _cursor.getColumnIndex(People._ID);
int numbercolumn = _cursor.getColumnIndex(People.NUMBER);
int namecolumn = _cursor.getColumnIndex(People.NAME);
String tag = "tag";
Log.i(tag, getItem(position).toString());
String name;
String number;
number = _cursor.getString(numbercolumn);
开发者_开发问答 name = _cursor.getString(namecolumn);
Log.i("test6386", number);
Log.i("Test456", name);
TextView nameView = viewCache.getName();
TextView numberView = viewCache.getNumber();
Uri uri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(People.CONTENT_URI, _cursor.getLong(id));
Bitmap bitmap = People.loadContactPhoto(_context, uri, R.drawable.icon, null);
I figure it out you have to overwrite the newview and bindview methods
public class RowAdapter extends CursorAdapter {
private final LayoutInflater mInflater;
public RowAdapter(Context context, Cursor c) {
super(context, c);
mInflater = LayoutInflater.from(context);
public void bindView(View view, Context context, Cursor cursor) {
ViewCache viewCache = null;
View rowView = view;
viewCache = (ViewCache) rowView.getTag();
ImageView imageView = (ImageView) view.findViewById(R.id.ContactIcon);
int id = cursor.getColumnIndex(HelpiDB.KEY_ID);
int namecolumn = cursor.getColumnIndex(HelpiDB.KEY_NAME);
int numbercolumn = cursor.getColumnIndex(HelpiDB.KEY_NUMBER);
Uri uri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(People.CONTENT_URI, cursor.getLong(id));
Bitmap bitmap = People.loadContactPhoto(context, uri, R.drawable.icon, null);
String name = cursor.getString(namecolumn);
String number = cursor.getString(numbercolumn);
TextView nameTextView = viewCache.getName();
TextView numberTextView = viewCache.getNumber();
ImageView icon = (ImageView) view.findViewById(android.R.id.icon);
boolean crossed = Boolean.valueOf(cursor.getString(HelpiDB.CHECK_COLUMN));
if (crossed) {
icon.setImageState(new int[] { android.R.attr.state_checked }, true);
} else {
icon.setImageState(new int[] {}, true);
public View newView(Context context, Cursor cursor, ViewGroup parent) {
final View view = mInflater.inflate(R.layout.row, parent, false);
ViewCache viewCache = new ViewCache(view);
bindView(view, context, cursor);
return view;