Consider the following example code:
I can do scrollwheel: false
on a mapOptions to disable mouse wheel zoom. The feature is not implemented on the streetview panoramaOptions.
In Chrome, I can safely disable mouse wheel zoom on the streetview simply by.
$('#pano *').bind('mousewheel', function(){
return开发者_StackOverflow false;
However this does not work in elsewhere. Please help me get it working in top 3-5 browsers?
There is now a confirmed feature request with Gmaps API issues Let's hope Google's engineers will look into it when they get trough more important bugs. I hate to hold my breath, but I'll park this for now.
According to, this is how to do it;
[powerscript - other event]
IF message.number = WM_MOUSEWHEEL AND & KeyDown (KeyControl!) THEN
message.processed = TRUE
I realise that you are using Javascript, and this is a VB example, but hopefully it helps.
I use the below code to avoid double click zoom - pretty sure it could be adapted to scroll wheel zoom. zoom: 1 being my preferred zoom stage here, but could be anything.
$("#panorama").dblclick( function(){
panorama.setPov( {
heading: panorama.getPov().heading,
pitch: panorama.getPov().pitch, zoom: 1
There is an easy workaround: by adding a layer before the streetview with a higher z-index, you will prevent the zooming function of the Streetview.
<div id="panorama" style="position: absolute;left:0; top: 0;height: 100%; width: 100%; z-index: -1;opacity: 1"></div>
<div id="layerBeforePanorama" style="position: absolute;left:0; top: 0;height: 100%; width: 100%; z-index: 0;opacity: 1"></div>
var panoOptions = {
position: latlng,
pov: {
heading: 0,
pitch: 0
var pano = new google.maps.StreetViewPanorama(document.getElementById('panorama'), panoOptions);