I need to parse a bunch of random pages and add them to a DB. I am thinking of using regular expressions but I was wondering if there are a开发者_运维问答ny 'special' techniques (other than looking for content between known text/tags). The content is more(not always) like:
Some Title
Text related to Title
I guess I don't need to extract complete Text but some way to know where the Title/Paragraph and extract the content from there. The content itself may have images/links that I would like to retain.
Please see this answer: RegEx match open tags except XHTML self-contained tags
Use Python. http://www.python.org/
Use Beautiful Soup. http://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/
You need to use a proper HTML parser, and extract the elements you’re interested in via the parser’s API (or via the DOM).
Since I don’t know what language you’re programming in, it’s rather difficult to recommend a parser, but some well known ones are Jericho for Java, and Beautiful Soup for Python.