I'm trying to learn some Rails but I seem to get stuck on this basic task.
In my "Catch" create form I use a dropdown list to connect a catch to a specie. It renders fi开发者_StackOverflowne:
<select id="catch_species_id" name="catch[species_id]">
<option value="">Please >select</option>
<option value="1">A species</option>
And the helper I use is
<%= collection_select(:catch, :species_id, @species,
:id, :name, {:prompt => true}) %>
But when I try to create a "catch" I get the error:
Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓",
"catch"=>{"length"=>"55", "weight"=>"66", **"species_id"=>"1"**},
"commit"=>"Create Catch"}
ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound (Couldn't find Species without an ID):
Species with ID 1 exists but my controller doesn't seem to find it or the param, it feels right but it will not work.
def create
@species = Species.find(params[:species_id])
@catch = @species.catches.create(params[:catch])
redirect_to species_path(@species)
It should be like as follows:-
@species = Species.find(params[:catch][:species_id])
Thanks, Anubhaw