For an application used for managing booktitles and such, I'm using CoolStorage as an ORM.
The database has a table named 'titles'. Each title can have n authors, stored in the 'authors' table. The two tables are connected through the linktable 'titles_authors', which is pure.
When I try to filter titles on authors, I get an exception:
Unable to cast object of type 'QueryExpression' to type 'System.String'
Does anyone know how to filter the titles by author?
Set this up in your Title Class:
[ManyToMany("titles_authors", Pure = true, ForeignLinkKey = "AuthorId", LocalLinkKey = "TitleId")]
public abstract CSList<Author> Authors{ get; set; }
And vice versa in the Authors class...
Then you can access by:
CSList titlesByAuthor = Title.List("Authour.Name = "Bob Thorn");