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Closed 3 years ago.
Improve this questionI has been a C++ and Python developer for a looong time, and after this many years the place I feel most comfortable for developing is the old good gvim and the command line. I was wondering if there is some sort of tool for setting up projects quickly. Something like generating a bunch of files where a few things can change their values: the project name for example.
There are many tools like this. Cookiecutter is written in Python, and it has project templates for many languages and frameworks.
I would suspect that most modern Integrated Development Environments would support something like this.
Why don't you write your own tool with some scripting language?
I have done it by tailoring GNU makefiles trying to push most of the logic outside of the project. Then have a small script that generates directories and writes simple makefiles that set a couple of variables and then includes the pre-generated makefiles.
You might want to consider instead of producing makefiles directly, generating files for other intermediate system like CMake or SCONS, as those will be able to abstract the differences from one system to another.