With my current settings, ReSharper breaks a long line like this:
var attributes =
GetType().GetMethod((string) filterContext.RouteData.Values["action"]).GetCustomAttributes(
typeof (AutomaticRedirectToViewAttribute), false);
I think it's better than not breaking the line at all, but breaking it at the dots of methods/properties makes more sense to me:
var attributes =
.GetMethod((string) filterContext.RouteData.Values["action"])
.GetCustomAttributes(typeof (AutomaticRedirectToViewAttri开发者_如何学编程bute), false);
(It doesn't have to look exactly like this.) How can I setup ReSharper to do it this way? I haven't found such option in its settings.
This issue hints at it not being possible with Resharper yet.
I seem to remember a forum post about it as well, but I can't find it.
In Visual Studio 2010 it's works as you want it.
Which version are using?