How can I report a bug with bugzilla rest api? The following document states that the bug object or a some of its fields must be included in POST body. I have tried adding the fields as POST method parameters but i get this error "No data supplied for create" with status code 400. My question is that how can I include a bug object or some of its fields in开发者_开发问答 the POST method body??
String serverURL = "";
String product = "FoodReplicator";
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
PostMethod method = new PostMethod(serverURL + "/bug?;
method.addParameter("product", "FoodReplicator");
method.addParameter("component", "Salt");
method.addParameter("summary", "testing");
method.addParameter("version", "1.0");
return method.getStatusCode() + " " + method.getResponseBodyAsString();
You need to format your data as JSON instead of post params. The request type for create is still POST, but the body needs to be JSON.