How can I get the output as a vector in R?
For ex开发者_如何学JAVAample, if I want to have
for (i in 1:1000) {if i mod 123345 = 0, a = list(i)}
but I would want to find all i
that divide evenly into 123345 (i.e., factors), and not just the largest one.
There may be a more concise way to do this, but I would do it this way:
i <- 1:1000
j <- i[12345 %% i == 0 ]
The resulting vector j
contains a vector of the values in i which are factors of 12345. In R the modulo operator is %% and it's a bit of a bitch to find when searching on your own. It's buried in the help document for arithmetic operators and you can find it by searching for +
which must be in quotes like: ?"+"
and then you have to read down a bit.
You better add a VBA tag if you want to find a VBA answer. But I suspect it will involve the VBA modulo operator ;)
JD Long's method is really the first that came to mind, but another:
Filter(function(x) !(12345 %% x), 1:1000)
I think it's kind of fun to avoid any need for an explicit assignment. (Kind of too bad to create a new function each time.) (In this case, "!" converts a non-zero value to FALSE and zero to TRUE. "Filter" picks out each element evaluating to TRUE.)
Also avoiding the need for a separate allocation and not creating a new function:
which(!(12345 %% 1:1000))
> y <- 1:1000
> system.time(replicate(1e5, y[12345 %% y == 0 ]))
user system elapsed
8.486 0.058 8.589
> system.time(replicate(1e5, Filter(function(x) !(12345 %% x), y)))
Timing stopped at: 90.691 0.798 96.118 # I got impatient and killed it
# Even pulling the definition of the predicate outside,
# it's still too slow for me want to wait for it to finish.
# I'm surprised Filter is so slow.
> system.time(replicate(1e5, which(!12345 %% y)))
user system elapsed
11.618 0.095 11.792
So, looks like JD Long's method is the winner.
You wrote:
for (i in 1:1000) {if i mod 123345 = 0, a = list(i)} a
JD Long's code is much better, but if you wanted this loopy strategy to work try instead:
a <- vector(mode="list"); for (i in 1:1000) {if (123345 %% i == 0){ a <-c(a,i) } }