I have one combobox which have Mode twoway binding. I binded combobox to list of family members(MemberId,MemberType) table. I want to display selected Item (MemberType开发者_如何学Python) from list..
You can bind the SelectedItem
property on the ComboBox
to a property in your code-behind.
If you need to display this as a visual item, then you can do this by binding the Content
of a ContentPresenter
to that selected item.
As an example
<ComboBox ItemsSource={Binding Path=Collection} SelectedItem={Binding Path=MySelectedItem}/>
<ContentPresenter Content={Binding Path=MySelectedItem}/>
And in your code behind: (replacing "object" with whatever your colleciton is)
private object m_selectedItem;
public object MySelectedItem
get { return m_selectedItem; }
m_selectedItem = value;
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("MySelectedItem"));
You will have to implement the INotifyPropertyChanged interface in your code behind for this to work however
Bind SelectedItem to
public FamilyMember Selectedmember { get{...} set{...} }.....
and ensure that you call NotifyPropertyChanged methods in the setter for this member.
Then you can bind other objects on the view to this SelectedMember and display any information you may need.