I have developed a small chat client 开发者_开发问答using WPF. In each chat window, it contains a richtextbox to display previous chat conversations and a textbox with send button to type a chat message. I want to format the display text in the richtextbox as shown below.
user1: chat message goes here
For the time being, I use AppendText function to append chat conversation to the richtextbox. my code looks like this,
this.ShowChatConversationsBox.AppendText(from+": "+text);
But in this way, i couldn't find a method to format the text as show above. Is there any way to do this? or any alternative methods?
Instead of interacting with the RichTextBox, you can interact with the FlowDocument directly to add rich text. Set the Document on the RichTextBox to a FlowDocument containing a Paragraph, and add Inline objects such as Run or Bold to the Paragraph. You can format the text by setting properties on the Paragraph or on the Inlines. For example:
public MainWindow()
this.paragraph = new Paragraph();
this.ShowChatConversationsBox.Document = new FlowDocument(paragraph);
private Paragraph paragraph;
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var from = "user1";
var text = "chat message goes here";
paragraph.Inlines.Add(new Bold(new Run(from + ": "))
Foreground = Brushes.Red
paragraph.Inlines.Add(new LineBreak());