I am experiencing a weird behavior with Apple Mail. If i define an Anchor and jump to it inside an HTML Mail:
<a href="#jump1">Text</a>
<a name="jump1">Jump1</a>
Then Apple Mail will only jump to this location when you issue a double-click, rather than a single click. You can even have several seconds difference between the first and second click on the anchor, however it seems Apple Mail requires some kind of focus on开发者_如何转开发 the link (first click), bevor the jump works (second click).
I even tried several different types of anchor names, Empty anchors, Anchors, with Text, "name" not on an anchor but on a h2-tag and such, nothing seems to work with a single click.
<a name="jump1"></a>
<a name="jump1"> </a>
<a name="jump1">Text</a>
Is this some kind of expected behavior? Or what is the expected HTML to make this work with one click?
This is a known problem and as far as I'm aware, there's no available fix.
I was searching for the same subject and found out that there are lot of email client (also lot of webmails) having this issue