I think I'm being stupid.
rc = Mysql.new('CENSORED_HOST','username','password','db')
release = rc.query('select * from wp_ribcage_releases where release_id = 1 limit 1')
puts release["release_title"]
An开发者_StackOverflow社区d I am getting the following error:
ribcage-connect.rb:17: undefined method `[]' for #<Mysql::Result:0x1011ee900> (NoMethodError)
I'm new to this and I am sure I am basically doing something very stupid. Thanks a lot.
The kind people below have got me a but further, now I have:
rc = Mysql.new('server','user','pword','db')
release = rc.query('select * from wp_ribcage_releases where release_id = 1 limit 1')
row = release.fetch_row
puts row['release_title']
And now I get the error:
ribcage-connect.rb:12:in `[]': can't convert String into Integer (TypeError)
from ribcage-connect.rb:12
the rc.query(...)
returns a result set you can iterate. You can't directly access it.
Look at:
Since you have only one row (because of LIMIT 1) you can do:
row = release.fetch_hash
puts row['release_title']
If you have multiple rows:
while row = release.fetch_hash do
puts row["release_title"]
That error means you cannot index directly (use []) the Result object.
It should instead be (for this single row case):
row = release.fetch_hash
puts row["release_title"]
For more information: go here