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I'm looking for a free xslt debugging tool for Windows. Is anybody using anything worth recommending? Appreciate any advice, thanks. Powerfull tool!
Since people are having issues reading the comment section. This app is not free anymore. Original answer is from 2010.
They have a community edition that is still free but you have to compile it yourself with Java:
I have been using the XSelerator for almost 10 years and have never found a better tool XSLT IDE.
XSelerator's most valuable features are:
XSLT Debugger for MSXML3 and MSXML4.
Intellisense (prompting the xslt instructions, their attributes and the enumeration of possible attribute values.
Dynamic intellisense: prompting with template names or with modes or with parameter names.
XSLT 2.0 intellisense.
One-click invocation of many XSLT processors.
One can easily add a new XSLT processor to XSelerator.