I want a platform independent utility to take screenshots (not just within the browser).
The utility would be able to take screenshots after fixed intervals of time and be easily configurable by the user in terms of
time between successive shots,
the format the shots are stored,
till when (time, event) should the script run, etc
Since I need platform independence, I think Perl is a good choice.
a. Before I start out, I want to know whether a similar thing already exists, so I can start from there?
Searching CPAN gives me these two relevant results :
From those pages, the first one looks easier.
b. Which one of these Perl modules should I use?
Taking a look at the sources of both, Imager::Search
isn't much more than a wrapper to Imager::Screenshot
Here's the constructor:
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my @params = ();
@params = @{shift()} if _ARRAY0($_[0]);
my $image = Imager::Screenshot::screenshot( @params );
unless ( _INSTANCE($image, 'Imager') ) {
Carp::croak('Failed to capture screenshot');
# Hand off to the parent class
return $class->SUPER::new( image => $image, @_ );
Given that Imager::Search
does not really extend Imager::Screenshot
much more, I'd say you're looking at two modules that are essentially the same.