new { controller = "Archive", action = "CityState", OP1 = UrlParameter.Optional, OP2 = UrlParameter.Optional },
new { City="[a-zA-Z]+" ,State = @"[a-zA-Z]{2}", OP1 = @"[a-zA-Z]+" , OP2 =@"\d{4}" });
public ActionResult CityState(string City, string State, string OP1, int OP2)
var x = City;
var y = State;
var OptionalParameter1= OP1;
var OptionalParameter2 = OP2;
return View();
This c开发者_运维百科an map
But not
Can anyone help? Thanks.
These constraints prevent it from matching what you want:
OP1 = @"[a-zA-Z]+",
OP2 = @"\d{4}"
As both parameters are required. Modify your regular expression to accept empty values if you want this route to be able to be matched by Archive/Remond/WA
. Also remember that only the last parameter can be optional (you cannot have two successive optional parameters as this makes no sense).