I am using Codeigniter framework for PHP. I was wondering if there is a way to load methods in a Model for autocompletion using PHPDoc @property.
What I mean is ....
class abc_controller extends Controller {
* @property Model1
function func() {
$this->load->model("Model1"); // I am loading the model here
$result = $this->Model1->getIds();
// When I type Model1 in the statement above, it should popup
// an autocompletion box populated with all the methods of Model1
I did something like this using NetBeans while working on Cakephp. I was wondering if such a thing is possible for CodeIgniter as well/
You need to add property to your class phpdoc. Check this video out http://netbeans.org/kb/docs/php/class-property-variables-screencast.html
* blah blah balh
* @property Model1 Model1
* @property <type> <name>
class abc_controller extends Controller {
* blah blah blah
function func() {
$this->load->model("Model1"); // I am loading the model here
$result = $this->Model1->getIds();
// When I type Model1 in the statement above, it should popup
// an autocompletion box populated with all the methods of Model1
Or if you are getting a value from a function with a mixed return type you need to to it like this:
function func(){
$myObj = $this->getMixedType();
/* @var $myObj TypeOfMyObject */
// The vdoc has to be below the function call, otherwise the latest return type will be used
// Shortcut for generating vdoc is "vdoc" + tab
// For example if you have vdoc above the function call and function
// returns Type1, then your object will have autocomplete for Type1.