
Python MySQL module

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-01-14 17:05 出处:网络
I\'m developing a web application that needs to interface with a MySQL database, and I can\'t seem to find any really good modules out there for Python.

I'm developing a web application that needs to interface with a MySQL database, and I can't seem to find any really good modules out there for Python.

I'm specifically looking for fast module, capable of handling hundreds of thousands of connections (and queries, all within a short period of time of each other), without an significant i开发者_Go百科mpact on the speed.

I think my answer will be an update to the game field.

There is now the official MysQL Python Connector.


sudo pip install mysql-connector-python

Or download it from here:


Documentation: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/connector-python.html

MySQLdb is pretty much the only game in town for python mysql access.

I usually use SQLObject, but I haven't used it under highly stressful conditions, so I couldn't vouch for performance (having said that, I wouldn't speak against it).

To copy some demo code from another answer:

from sqlobject import *

# Replace this with the URI for your actual database
connection = connectionForURI('mysql://server:XXXX')
sqlhub.processConnection = connection

# This defines the columns for your database table. See SQLObject docs for how it
# does its conversions for class attributes <-> database columns (underscores to camel
# case, generally)

class Song(SQLObject):

    name = StringCol()
    artist = StringCol()
    album = StringCol()

# Create fake data for demo - this is not needed for the real thing
def MakeFakeDB():
    s1 = Song(name="B Song",
    s2 = Song(name="A Song",

def Main():
    # This is an iterable, not a list
    all_songs = Song.select().orderBy(Song.q.name)

    # Do something by iterating over the song list...

oursql is another option for python-mysql access. It is a much more complete wrapper of libmysqlclient than MySQLdb. Tends to be faster in my experience with lots of nice additional features.



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