I have 3 images with the css style float:left
So they are placed next to each other; it's basically an image slider. The left image is a left arrow, the center images is the picture and the right image is a right arrow.
In 开发者_如何学Cthe beginning, I hide the left arrow with jQuery, and when you push the right arrow I want the left arrow to unhide. The problem is that when I do that, the picture gets pushed to the right a bit because the width of the left arrow affects the picture.
So how can I hide an images without it losing its width so the picture doesn't get shifted?
It sounds like all you need to do is set the visibility
style. Something like:
$("#LeftArrowImage").css ('visibility', 'hidden');
Unlike jQuery's hide()
or display:none;
, visibility:hidden;
preserves the layout effects of a node, without showing it.