I would like to have the following screen in my application: button at the bottom of the screen; when user presses the button, a list with a number of items will appear and user should be able to click one of those to start another act开发者_StackOverflowivity. The number of items can be different (depending on some other conditions); the popup is to be adjusted to the button. How would you suggest implementing this?
Thanks a lot.
EDIT: One of the options is PopupWindow. Is there anything better than that?
PopupWindow is great for that. Here's a nice sample http://code.google.com/p/simple-quickactions/.
You can easily achieve this using a ListView or ListActivity.
or you may also consider using spinners.
How to implement Drag and Drop in android 2.2?
TextView view = new TextView(mActivity);
popoup = new PopupWindow(view, 100, 100);
popoup.setWindowLayoutMode(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT);
// set window at position
popoup.showAtLocation(mActivity.getWindow().getDecorView(), Gravity.CENTER, 100, 100);
What is usefull to know:
0 setContentView
1 Definetly you must tell popup size
( 0 and 1 is contructor new PopupWindow(view, 100, 100);
2 an on which location it will be show
3 and call update()