In the .N开发者_开发技巧et world we have the Membership provider, with this we can fully automate user registration and management. Does such a gem exist for the Ruby on Rails community.
I am looking for something that would allow a user to register, retrieve lost password, modify password and login.
See the answers given to this question recently - again, I would highly recommend Devise and the two railscasts on it, and Devise handles all the things you described above - from the GitHub page:
- "Confirmable: sends emails with confirmation instructions and verifies whether an account is already confirmed during sign in.
- Recoverable: resets the user password and sends reset instructions.
- Registerable: handles signing up users through a registration process, also allowing them to edit and destroy their account."
Hope that helps!
Take a look at Devise -
It's a popular Rails engine for user authentication and should do what you need (and more).
Not sure that it has all of the features you want, but I really like restful-authentication.
Features per website:
Login / logout
Secure password handling
Account activation by validating email
Account approval / disabling by admin
Rudimentary hooks for authorization and access control.
It also makes an appearance in a screen cast over at Episode 11 about adding User Authentication. Watch the others if you are 100% new to rails, but if you just want to see them use the gem, skip to that one.
Check railscasts for a number of new options, including OmniAuth, Sorcery (my choice this week), and authentication from scratch, which may be less painful than the options listed before.