I have a page which currently refreshes itself every 10 seconds. The page runs a series of database queries and shows the results.
The problem is that sometimes the queries take up to a minute to run but the page still refreshes every 10 seconds so I end up with 6 sets of database queries being run, and so on. I know this as I log the action in the database with start and end times of the queri开发者_如何学编程es.
$(document).ready(function() {
var refreshId = setInterval(function() {
}, 10000);
How can I change it so the refresh only happens when the page has finished processing queries or 10 seconds whichever is longest?
Why not just set a flag and skip the reload if the last one hasn't finished yet? Something like the following (untested but shows the basic idea)
var loading = false;
var refreshId = setInterval(function() {
if (loading)
loading = true;
$("#content").load('myurl.php?id=1', function() {
loading = false;
}, 10000);
You can use setTimeout
instead and reload the timer upon completion
Instead of refreshing the page periodically, fetch the data via an AJAX call and when it's complete re-schedule the refresh again.
In pseudo code:
// Set initial timeout, 10 seconds
var refTimeout = setTimeout(refreshData, 10000);
function refreshData ()
// Remove timeout, we won't be called again until AJAX call is complete
clearTimeout (refTimeout);
$.ajax ({url: 'mydatasource.php', data : { ... },
success : function (data) {
// Render data into content area...
// Set timeout so we'll be called again in 10 seconds
refTimeout = setTimeout (refreshData, 10000);
You can queue your ajax requests using a plugin like AjaxQueue.