I want to filter records dynamically on user choice. The user may choose to show the debit amount greater than credit or credit amount greater than debit. Accordingly I want to put a condition similar to either totDebit>totCredit or
Dim query = _
From product In Bills.AsEnumerable() _
Group product By accode = product.Field(Of String)("ACCODE"), _
BILLNO = product.Field(Of String)("BILLNO") Into g = Group _
Let totDebit = g.Sum(Function(proudct) proudct.Field(Of Decimal)("DEBIT")) _
Let totCredit = g.Sum(Function(proudct) proudct.Field(Of Decimal)("CREDIT")) _
Select New With _
{ _
.ACCODE = accode, _
.billno = BILLNO, _
.TOTA开发者_运维技巧LDEBIT = totDebit, _
.TOTALCREDIT = totCredit, _
.BALNACE = totDebit - totCredit _
How can this be done?
In the code you h ave shownm you've merely built a query; you haven't executed it yet. And, at any point before you excute it, you may continue to build it:
Dim query = _
From product In Bills.AsEnumerable() _
Group product By accode = product.Field(Of String)("ACCODE"), _
' etc as above....
If onlyCredits Then
query = query.Where(Function(proudct) product.TOTALCREDIT > product.TOTALDEBIT)
Elseif onlyDebits Then
query = query.Where(Function(proudct) product.TOTALCREDIT < product.TOTALDEBIT)
Note, I'm a C# guy, so please forgive minor syntax errors....
I think you're looking for Dynamic Query Library. Not included in Linq but availble for download from Scott Guthrie's blog:
Both the VB and C# DynamicQuery samples include a source implementation of a helper library that allows you to express LINQ queries using extension methods that take string arguments instead of type-safe language operators.
You can apply strings to filter the exection:
myData.DynamicWhere(string.Format("{0}.Contains(\"{1}\")", filter.field, filter.data.value));