
Optimized regex for N words around a given word (UTF-8)

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-01-13 23:20 出处:网络
I\'m trying to find an optimized regex to return the N words (if available) around another one to build a summary. The string is in UTF-8, so the definition of \"words\" is larger than just [a-z]. The

I'm trying to find an optimized regex to return the N words (if available) around another one to build a summary. The string is in UTF-8, so the definition of "words" is larger than just [a-z]. The string that serves as the reference word could be in the middle of a word or not directly surrounded by spaces.

I've already got the following that works but seems actually greedy and chokes when looking for more than 6-7 words around another one:


This is the PHP method I've build to do that but I'd need help getting the regex to be less greedy and work for any number of words around.

 * Finds N words around a specified word in a string.
 * @param string $string The complete string to look in.
 * @param string $find The string to look for.
 * @param integer $before The number of words to look for before $find.
 * @param integer $after The number of words to look for after $find.
 * @return mixed False if $find was not found and all the words around otherwis开发者_运维知识库e.
private function getWordsAround($string, $find, $before, $after)
    $matches = array();
    $find = preg_quote($find);
    $regex = '(?:[^\s\r\n]+[\s\r\n]+[^\s\r\n]*){0,' . (int)$before . '}' .
        $find . '(?:[^\s\r\n]*[\s\r\n]+[^\s\r\n]+){0,' . (int)$after . '}';
    if (preg_match("/$regex/u", $string, $matches)) {
        return $matches[0];
    } else {
        return false;

If I had the following $string:

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras auctor, 
felis non vehicula suscipit, enim quam adipiscing turpis, eget rutrum 
eros velit non enim. Sed commodo cursus vulputate. Aliquam id diam sed arcu 
fringilla venenatis. Cras vitae ante ut tellus malesuada convallis. Vivamus 
luctus ante vel ligula eleifend condimentum. Donec a vulputate velit. 
Suspendisse velit risus, volutpat at dapibus vitae, viverra vel nulla."

And called getWordsAround($string, 'vitae', 8, 8) I'd want to get the following result:

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras auctor, 
felis non vehicula suscipit,"

Thank you for your help regex gurus.

What about using a regex or some other method to split the input text into an array of words. Then run through the words with a loop looking for the target word. Once it's found, then grab the required array slice, join it together and print.

To maintain the original whitespace between words, you can include it at the end of each word.

Also, this could be implemented as a stream parser rather than splitting the whole string first.

As mentioned earlier, the problem is a very large amount of backtracking. To solve this, I tried to use lookbehind and lookahead to anchor the match to the string. So I came up with:


Unfortunately, this does not work, as variable length lookbehinds are not supported in PCRE (or perl for that matter). So we are left with:


Which only captures the match string and up to 8 words after the match. However, if you use the PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE flag, get the offset of $match[0], take the substring up to that point, reverse the string with strrev, get the first 0-8 words (using /\s*(?:\S+\s+){0,8}/), reverse the match, and recombine:

$s = "put test string here";
$matches = array();
if (preg_match('/consectetur\s*(?:\S+\s+){0,8}/', $s, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) {
  $before = strrev(substr($s, 0, $matches[0][1]));
  $before_match = array();
  preg_match('/\s*(?:\S+\s+){0,8}/', $before, $before_match);
  echo strrev($before_match[0]) . $matches[0][0];

You can make it a bit faster on very big strings by taking a safe subset of characters prior to the match, like 100. Then you are only reversing a 100 character string.

All that being said, a solution which doesn't use regular expressions may work better.

Here is an internal PHP function that does what you want. It's unlikely you'll be able to beat this performance-wise in a user-land function.

There should be no problem using this for UTF-8 functions, since '\r', '\n' and ' ' (and in general all the ASCII characters) cannot appear as part of another character sequence. So if you pass valid UTF-8 data to both parameters you should be fine. Reversing UTF-8 data as you would normally reverse single character encodings (with strrev) would indeed mean trouble, but this function doesn't do that.

    struct circ_array {
        int *offsets;
        int cur;
        int size;
    } circ_array;
    long before;
    long after;
    char *haystack, *needle;
    int haystack_len, needle_len;
    int i, in_word = 0, in_match = 0;

    if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "ssll",
        &haystack, &haystack_len, &needle, &needle_len, &before, &after) 
        == FAILURE)

    if (needle_len == 0) {
        php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING,
            "Cannot have empty needle");

    if (before < 0 || after < 0) {
        php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING,
            "Number of words after and before should be non-negative");

    /* saves beggining of match and words before */
    circ_array.offsets = safe_emalloc(before + 1, sizeof *circ_array.offsets, 0);
    circ_array.cur = 0;
    circ_array.size = before + 1;

    for (i = 0; i < haystack_len; i++) {
        if (haystack[i] == needle[in_match]) {
            if (!in_word) {
                in_word = 1;
                circ_array.offsets[circ_array.cur % circ_array.size] = i;
            if (in_match == needle_len)
                break; /* found */
        } else {
            int is_sep = haystack[i] == ' ' || haystack[i] == '\n' || haystack[i] == '\r';

            if (in_match)
                in_match = 0;

            if (is_sep) {
                if (in_word)
                    in_word = 0;
            } else { /* not a separator */
                if (!in_word) {
                    in_word = 1;
                    circ_array.offsets[circ_array.cur % circ_array.size] = i;

    if (in_match != needle_len) {

    /* find words after; in_word is 1 */
    for (i++; i < haystack_len; i++) {
        int is_sep = haystack[i] == ' ' || haystack[i] == '\n' || haystack[i] == '\r';
        if (is_sep) {
            if (in_word) {
                if (after == 0)
                in_word = 0;
        } else {
            if (!in_word)
                in_word = 1;

        char *result;
        int start, result_len;
        if (circ_array.cur < circ_array.size)
            start = circ_array.offsets[0];
            start = circ_array.offsets[circ_array.cur % circ_array.size];

        result_len = i - start;
        result = emalloc(result_len + 1);
        memcpy(result, &haystack[start], result_len);
        result[result_len] = '\0';

        RETURN_STRINGL(result, result_len, 0);


From my tests, the C function is 4 times faster than wuputah's version (and doesn't have the problem of strrev).

This worked fine here:



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras auctor, felis non vehicula suscipit,

The performance of this regular expression, however, is absolute crap. I really don't know how to make this more efficient, short of doing it without regular expressions.

The reason for the performance being "absolute crap" for words near the end is that engine tries to start a match on every character and then advances several dozens of characters until it finds out that, in the end, it cannot find the string you're looking for and discards everything.

The problem with using this regex is that it causes the regex engine to catastrophically backtrack. The number of attempts increases exponentially with the size of the string, and that is no good. You might want to look into atomic grouping to improve performance.

Alternatively you could find the first occurrence of the given word and start looking backwards and forwards for words up to the desired length. Pseudo-ish code:

$pos = strpos($find);
$result = $find;

foreach $word before $pos {
    $result = $word . $result;
    if ($count >= $target)

foreach $word after $pos {
    $result .= $word;
    if ($count >= $target)

Of course finding the words before and after, and handling partial strings can get really messy.



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