What's the best shell command to output the lines of a fi开发者_开发知识库le until you encounter the first blank line? For example:
output these
but do not output anything after the above blank line
(or the blank line itself)
awk? something else?
sed -e '/^$/,$d' <<EOF
this is text
so is this
but not this
or this
More awk
awk -v 'RS=\n\n' '1;{exit}'
More sed
sed -n -e '/./p;/./!q'
sed -e '/./!{d;q}'
sed -e '/./!Q' # thanks to Jefromi
How about directly in shell?
while read line; do [ -z "$line" ] && break; echo "$line"; done
(Or printf '%s\n'
instead of echo
, if your shell is buggy and always handles escapes.)
With sed:
sed '/^$/Q' <file>
Edit: sed is way, way, way faster. See ephemient's answer for the fastest version.
To do this in awk, you could use:
awk '{if ($0 == "") exit; else print}' <file>
Note that I intentionally wrote this to avoid using regular expressions. I don't know what awk's internal optimizations are like, but I suspect direct string comparison would be faster.
# awk '!NF{exit}1' file
output these
Awk solution
awk '/^$/{exit} {print} ' <filename>
Here's a solution using Perl:
#! perl
use strict;
use warnings;
while (<DATA>) {
last if length == 1;
output these
but don't output anything after the above blank line
(or the blank line itself)
A couple of Perl one-liners
$ perl -pe'last if /^$/' file..
$ perl -lpe'last unless length' file..
Another Perl solution:
perl -00 -ne 'print;exit' file
perl -00 -pe 'exit if $. == 2' file