I want to append the values of some XML tags, and then append again the result. But I'm having some trouble appending the results, so I only have one final result of appending.
Imagine you have this:
I want to get this result <result>A,1,2,B,3,4</result>
But I get this one: <result>A,1,2</result><result>B,3,4</result>
I've been reading this: XQuery: how to properly append , in for loop but still I can't make it work. Here is the sample of my code.
let $contador := count(
for $x in $productDoc//*[substring(local-name(.),2,23)="nodeB"]
where not(exists ($x/ns0:yesno))
if ($contador = 0) then
<result> </result>
for $x in $productDoc//*[substring(local-name(.),2,18)="nodeB"]
where not(exists ($x//ns0:yesno))
for $y in $x//*[matches(name(.),'thing')]
let $z := $x//*[matches(name(.),'item')]
for $i in $y
let $c := concat($i,",开发者_如何学运维",string-join($z,","))
let $d := string-join($c,",")
<result>{ $d }</result>
I suppose what is happening is that I'm appending the partial results wrongly... or in a wrong place, but I don't know where to do it. Maybe I should call this function from another one that makes a string-join of the result. What do u think?
The following query returns exactly what you need (running on example you provided):
for $nodeA in $productDoc//nodeA
return ($nodeA//thing, $nodeA//item), ",")
Specify more details in your question if you need something more specific.